A Chicken Surprise

January 15, 2016

Chickens can sometimes be mysterious. Have you ever wondered why a chicken does what it does? We do too and we have yet to figure it all out. If you raise chickens you know that they love to make things exciting around your yard and coop. Often times chickens will hide things, and in Lana’s case, Mrs. Potts hid her nest and much, much more!

Lana’s bantams are bringing new life to her farm and growing up fast, as all chicks do. But hey, they sure are cute while they are little, right? Mrs. Potts is a little protective of her babies, as she should be!

Mrs. Potts and babies

Do your chicks keep things hidden from you? What’s the most interesting thing you have found in the chicken coop on your place?

Lana of Itty Bitty Life continues to share her fun experiences with her chickens. Follow her blog and you may be inspired to try something a little different with your chicks!

If you’d like to try some Bantams like Lana  has, we’ve got ’em! Give us a call at 1-800-247-7014, we’ll keep your coop and farm busy!

Twitter fans, connect with Lana of @IttyBittyFarmer– Lana loves to tweet and so do her chicks!

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