Top 5 Reasons to Buy Fall Chicks

August 31, 2017

Late summer and fall is usually the time to start reaping the rewards of our gardening and preparing our yards, homes, and farms for cooler weather. When we think of fall we usually don’t think of chicks, naturally animals give birth in the spring so when we think of spring we tend to think of Easter, baby animals, and chicks. Spring is a wonderful time to raise chicks, but there is a growing trend amongst hobbyist for buying new chicks in the fall.

Here are our top 5 reasons to buy chicks in the fall:

  1. No More Slim Picking -When picking out chicks in the spring it can be hard to find all the breeds you want to ship on the same date due to limited availability. In the fall, you wont be competing with all the other customers for the most desired breeds. At Hoover’s we have many of our rare layer breeds still hatching!
  2. Spring Eggs – It takes about 22 weeks for a bird to start laying. If chicks are purchased in the fall you will have an abundance of fresh eggs to eat in the spring and for coloring eggs! It’s a great time to get an Americana from Hoover’s so you have blue/green eggs in the spring! The chicks laying eggs for the first time will give you something to look forward to in the spring, and maybe make your long winter a little more bearable!
  3.  Fill Your Freezer – Fall is a great time to raise meat birds. You still have a good 6-8 weeks to raise some broilers if you missed your chance this summer, and you wont have to worry about heat stress.
  4. Sales! – Take advantage of the end of season chick equipment sales and put some of those products to use by getting some chicks!
  5. Spring Culling – When your new birds start to lay in the spring, your older birds may go through a molt. You may find that some breeds are less productive during this time, and other breeds may not lay as well after their molting phase. The spring is a good time to cull the older birds out and enjoy your new birds throughout the summer.At Hoover’s we believe that fall is still a great time to raise baby chicks, especially if you live in the southern states. Plus, who wouldn’t want to have cute chicks to take care of through the winter!?

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