Yes, You Can Move Your Compost Bin Into Your Chicken Area

February 12, 2013

We decided to move our compost bine from our garden to our chicken area recently. Before everyone starts giving me all the reasons why it’s not a good idea, let me tell you why we did it.

Putting Compost Bin With Chickens

1. Our chickens are free range. That means they have full control of a fenced in area. Sometimes that meant they figured out how to fly over the fence and get into our garden and compost bin. Clipping wings helped some, but it wasn’t always enough. Now, the compost is where they can scratch around at will and the issue o flying over the fence is nearly non existent.

2. We give our chickens all the kitchen scraps. As a matter of fact, if someone goes outside carrying the compost bucket or a pot, they all come running for their latest “treat.” We used to dump it into their area, but if they got bored of it before it was gone, we go a LOT more flies. Now, its in the compost bin already, and the chickens scratch for what they want, and the rest is where it already belongs.

3. Compost draws a lot of flies, who lay their eggs, who turn into maggots, which turn into more flies. During the hot summer, it was a rough cycle we couldn’t seem to break no matter how many times we turned the compost, or added grass or leaves. The chickens now eat all the maggots (fine dining y’all!) and the fly population has greatly decreased. Yes, we still have them, but not nearly as horrible as it used to be.

4. Chickens eat worms. Lots of worms. And compost bins draw worms. And I DO understand that worms are necessary …continue reading here

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