Chicken Care


Why You Should be Feeding Your Flock Mealworms

Mealworms look entirely disgusting to us.  The crunchy brown worms seem entirely unappetizing.  To a chicken, mealworms are bites of heaven.  Chickens will go absolutely crazy over mealworms, and for good reason.  There are several reasons that you should be…

Giving Your Chickens A Good Night’s Sleep

Both people and chickens appreciate a good night’s sleep.  As warm months approach odds are better that humans will be more comfortable after dark than their chickens.   After all, people live in well-ventilated houses with screened windows to exclude pesky…

A Guide for Feeding Growing Chickens

A trip to your local feed store may leave you asking more questions about chicken feed than before you visited.  What percentage protein should they get? What about calcium? Are my chicks old enough to get a pellet feed?  There…

Why Do Chickens Need Dust Baths?

If you’ve owned chickens, you’ve probably seen them giving themselves a dust bath.  Chickens will lay in a shallow area of scratched up dirt and kick it all over themselves.  If you haven’t seen it before, it can look a…

Demystifying Chicken Feed

When it comes to food, chickens are just like people. Both need a nutritious well-balanced diet to be both healthy and productive.  That’s a simple concept but visit a feed store and a customer confronts a dizzying array of feed…

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