Easter Egg Traditions With Lara of My Other Exciting Self

January 15, 2016

Lara Durben of My Other More Exciting Self is going to make Easter fun and simple for you. Be sure to connect with Lara on Twitter and Facebook to stay in touch with what’s happening in the world of turkeys and more. Lara is the communications director for the Minnesota Turkey Grower’s Association and she blogs about her happenings all around Minnesota. We appreciate what Lara brings to What’s Hatching and look forward to what she has to share with all of you.

Decorative Easter Eggs

Are you ready for Spring? I am – with a double exclamation point!

The calendar certainly indicates that it is spring but in Minnesota, this always takes a little longer than we’d like in the North Country. In the meantime, I’ve been getting into a spring mood by ordering from seed catalogs for my gardens, looking longlingly at my spring dresses (I am so ready for some brighter colors!) and thinking ahead to Easter.

You all know that I have a love of anything with eggs- that’s why I’ve been so proud to be a Good Egg Project  Ambassador for the American Egg Board over the past year. And in my family, we have some classic egg traditions for Easter including:

Decorating Easter Eggs: This of course is a no brainer, right? Joe and I have decorated eggs since he was old enough to plop the hard boiled eggs into the cups full of colored water. It’s a tradition that my Mom always made time for with my siblings and me, and I can’t imagine not having decorated Easter eggs in the house for this holiday.

Full disclosure, though: I am not a super crafty Mom. (Joe will vouch for this if you ask him.) So, … usually we just buy one of those egg decorating kits at the grocery store or Target and we’re good to go. (And I am completely okay with this.) However, I just found some really cool tips for decorating eggs via TheIncredibleEgg.org website- I think even I could handle a few of these, including using rolls of decorative craft tape to roll around the eggs. How easy and fun would that be? You can find more Easter decorating tips and inspiration continue here……. 

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